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Creating a road safety explainer video for South Gloucester Council

Tiki Tim

Updated: Jun 10, 2021

At the end of 2020 I received a phone call from Stuart asking if I would be interested in working on an animated explainer video to promote road safety and sustainable travel to children and their parents. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity and we organised a meeting with all of the groups who needed to be involved. I facilitated discussion between the council, sustainable transport and road safety representatives to understand the key points and the must-haves. From there I came up with a concept to speak from the child's point of view. This removed all feelings of the council/schools telling people what to do. Instead, this focused on bringing people along on a journey to change. I planned the story, produced a storyboard and got sign off from the group.

Then the fun bit. I designed a character that I named Hannah and her brother, wrote a script and recorded a voice over with a talented, young, voice actor. With the styling and voice-over agreed I got to work illustrating the backgrounds, assets and characters to build the animation. Using a mix of Adobe Suite programs I brought the characters to life and built an accessible, relatable world where we could share the messages.

The outcome is a fresh and friendly video that makes it easy for viewers to understand the message and take action. I hope you like it. If you do, and you want to talk about how I can help you to spread your message pop me an email

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